June 1, 2021
Dear Valued Clients and Friends:
In August of 2003 Mike McReynolds and Dick Tye formed the law firm of McReynolds & Tye, P.C. Throughout the years, it has been our absolute privilege and pleasure to work with our team to serve our clients. Changing times have now, however, led us, after much thought and deliberation, to begin new pathways in our careers. Our law firm will cease operations; and Mike and Dick will begin their gradual and phased retirements from the practice of law.
Martin McReynolds will start his own law office, where Mike will continue his work on an office-sharing basis. They will continue to be available at their current phone, fax and email. Their practices will focus primarily on oil, gas, and mineral law. You can learn more about the practice at www.mcreynolds-law.com.
Matt Lovell and Dick will join the law firm of Clark Hill PLC, where they will continue their practice in the areas of tax and estate planning. Clark Hill PLC provides legal services in a broad array of legal specialties; and you may learn more about the firm at www.clarkhill.com.
On June 7, 2021, each of us may be reached at the following addresses:
Martin D. McReynolds Michael L. McReynolds
Law Office of Martin D. McReynolds Law Office of Michael L. McReynolds
8610 N. New Braunfels Ave., Suite 609 8610 N. New Braunfels Ave., Suite 609
San Antonio, Texas 78217 San Antonio, Texas 78217
Telephone (210) 227-8800 Telephone (210) 227-8800
Matthew D. Lovell Richard H. Tye
Clark Hill PLC Clark Hill PLC
2301 Broadway 2301 Broadway
San Antonio, Texas 78215 San Antonio, Texas 78215
Direct (210) 250-6188 Direct (210) 250-6187
Mobile (210) 294-3121 Mobile (210) 290-7459
mlovell@clarkhill.com rtye@clarkhill.com
We are planning to make this change without any interruption to the legal services that we are currently providing. Please call us if we can help you in any manner.
You have our very best wishes.
Martin D. McReynolds Michael L. McReynolds
Matthew D. Lovell Richard H. Tye